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Headlights are those bright, shiny lights on the front of cars. They’re sort of like big eyes to aid drivers’ vision when the world gets dark. When the sun sets, it is as if a curtain of darkness immediately envelops everything. But Scheinwerfers are magical! They illuminate the road ahead, making it easier to see where you’re going.

Ursachen und Lösungen

Es gibt zwei verschiedene Arten von Auto leuchtets, did you know that? The first is called halogen. These are the kinds of lights that most cars have had for many years. They do work but they’re not that bright. The second type is known as LED lights. So this stands for Light Emitting Diode — that's a big word for super bright light! LED lights are gaining popularity because they are brighter and last longer than halogens.

Why choose YIAALUX headlight?

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